Many people think the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and hunting season are the only two events in our state when sex trafficking and sexual exploitation rear their ugly faces. If that were the case, the only people arrested for those crimes would be out-of-state-people in town for the Sturgis Rally or annual hunting trip. It would also mean trafficking or sexual exploitation cases would be non-existent except for during those two annual events. Unfortunately, anyone reading the news in our state would see trafficking and sexual exploitation occurring not only frequently, but outside of the confines of the Sturgis Rally and hunting season. Even with all the headlines, jury trials, plea bargains, and public display of the evidence of trafficking and exploitation, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Research shows us that sexual crimes are the most unreported crime in our country. This means what law enforcement and prosecutors see in our state and what we see in the headlines is just a fraction of what is actually occurring in our state. Why don’t they come forward? Because reporting a sexual crime is different from reporting every other crime. When someone reports a hit and run the jury and people hearing about the crime are not concerned with what the victim was wearing, drinking, or what they were doing at the time of the offense. Not just that, but victims of hit and runs do not have to endure genital exams, multiple personal interviews, be made to go into foster care, or watch their family fall apart when the abuse is brought into light.
What would we do if all the victims of these terrible crimes came forward and reported their abuse? Where would they go and who would be there to help them? The goal of Esthers Rising is to be there when they do come forward!
The goal of newsletters like this is to educate our community so when victims of crime report abuse, our community members won’t be shocked and hopefully they will start by believing. Additionally, our newsletters are meant to make sure we have support for Esthers Rising in order to support victims when they get up the courage to come forward. The staff and board of Esthers Rising are passionate about serving the lost and are busy preparing for prayers to be answered and to be the light in the darkness.
- Hollie Strand, Board Member
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