Why “Esthers Rising”?
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14
We believe that we, as individuals, are called for such a time as this to step up and be a voice for those who have been silenced and unseen. Knowing what we now know about child sex trafficking in America, we are certain we have been called to provide a safe, loving, home environment for girls who have been trafficked to give them time and space to heal.
We also believe it is vital to raise up survivors to love and serve our Lord God as Esther did and to live in the light of his love and power.
We want to help the girls we serve to develop the Esther-like qualities of courage, bravery, leadership, and faith. It is our desire that they learn who they are in Christ and that they are loved unconditionally.
Why the dragonfly?
The dragonfly on our logo is a symbol of wisdom, change and transformation. The spiritual meaning of the dragonfly is “the light of God.” It means looking within and dancing – just like a dragonfly.
The color purple represents royalty, wisdom, and bravery.
What does it mean to rescue, redeem and renew?
Rescue – to relentlessly pursue and save someone from danger or distress
Redeem – to free (mentally, emotionally, physically) from what distresses or harms
Renew – to transform the mind to be aligned with our identity in Christ and God’s will for our lives